before semester spring 2010 starts

This is my first blog. I haven't blogged since back in the Xanga days. So my life here recently has been filled with short and pointless days at work while barely making enough money to survive. My boyfriend, Payden, has really been helping pay my rent and dues for Alpha Phi. When I am not working I am either planning things for my Alpha Phi chapter, since I am the currently VPPD (and very proud of that fact) or spending time with Payden and/or any friends that I can find time to do things with. I love the fact that my new job (which really isn't all that new considering I worked there back in high school) because unlike the hotel (which is were I came from) I get to make my own schedule so I can do as much as I can for the chapter. Which was my main goal. I love my chapter and my sisters and my position and I want to be the best VPPD that I can be for my chapter. I am also spending alot of time going to every home basketball game for the Wichita State Shockers! I am obessed ...