My Busy World

It has been awhile since I have posted. Life has been extremely busy with school/classes starting, my 21st birthday, Formal Recruitment and community service. Classes are going extremely well. I am really enjoying all the classes and my professors. My online class with my dot Annie is going really well and we have finally figured out the best system for our test taking methods and have really improved our grade in the class from the first couple of weeks to these last two so I am proud. I also have another class with Annie, Shakespeare, and it is with one of our favorite professors and that is going really well as well. My Nature of Poetry class that I am retaking due to the troubles of last semester is going really well. The professor is really funny and I am enjoying this class so much more then I was last semester when I took it from a different professor. Boyfriend and I are in a night class together with a sorority sister's boyfriend and a friend of mine from High School and t...