My Busy World

It has been awhile since I have posted. Life has been extremely busy with school/classes starting, my 21st birthday, Formal Recruitment and community service.

Classes are going extremely well. I am really enjoying all the classes and my professors. My online class with my dot Annie is going really well and we have finally figured out the best system for our test taking methods and have really improved our grade in the class from the first couple of weeks to these last two so I am proud. I also have another class with Annie, Shakespeare, and it is with one of our favorite professors and that is going really well as well. My Nature of Poetry class that I am retaking due to the troubles of last semester is going really well. The professor is really funny and I am enjoying this class so much more then I was last semester when I took it from a different professor. Boyfriend and I are in a night class together with a sorority sister's boyfriend and a friend of mine from High School and that is a really fun class. We had our first test last week and I feel really good about it. So I must say at the moment that I am really enjoying this semester and it is a good one!

My 21st birthday was a blast! Dinner with a small group of friends on Friday (my actual birthday) was alot of fun and I had a great turn out and got some awesome gifts. On Saturday my sister Tiffani and I had a joint birthday party at my parent's house and that was really chill but a lot of fun and my family gave me money to go and buy new glasses and it was the PERFECT gift. I got two pairs, a really cool pair with white sides and a really nerdy pair. I love them both and I am constanly switching them up to match my outfit or mood. And Sunday I had a relaxing day with my boyfriend and just hung out and spent time with him, which is really just the perfect way to spend my day. Monday (which was Labor Day) was my last day of celebration due to the fact no one had work or school that day. The Hamilton family threw me a small barbeque and it was a great time! My best friend Caroline surprised me by coming down from Lawrence and taking me out that night to just hang out like we use to. It was a perfect end to an amazing weekend.

Formal Recruitment is officially over and I couldn't be happier. We all worked extremely hard that weekend and we had amazing results. 72 girls came back on Prefrence Night and then we got quota plus 9 on Bid Day for a total of 40 NEW MEMBERS! The best turn out in the history of our chapter! I was very proud to be in Alpha Phi but at the same time the idea of an 80 member house scared me but I think we are working it out quite well.

Since the semester is finally underway we have had alot of community service activities going on these past few weekends. Starting with "Walk a Mile in her Shoes" where the men wore high heels and literally walked a mile in her shoes to fight against demostic and sexual abuse. Tri Delta had thie annual Dodge and Dive: Dodgeball tournement. Many of us Alpha Phis participated in Race for the Cure for breast cancer and SigEp had their Pennies for Wishes for Make a Wish Fondation. It has been alot of fun to get the semesters community service underway and to see all the activites the members have participated in.

I am getting a new dot in a few weeks and I am VERY excited for the new addition to my adorable Alpha Phi family.

The basketball schedule has finally been posted and there is about 40+ days until the first basketball day and I am very excited!!

Payden and I are planning a "in city" vacation for fall break and our 4 year anniversary in a couple of weeks as well which I am also very excited for and happy about.

I can't believe we have already been together for 4 years! And I can't believe that it is almost October already.

Well that is it for now, until next time.
Amber Marie

Pictures and captions from recent events:

My new hair cut and color that Payden and his mom bought/paid for as part of my birthday present

Boyfriend and I at his house the weekend of my birthday with one of my birthday cakes for his family celebration. I had a weekend filled of birthday parties and loved every minute of it!

The progession of Mom/Dot photos showing off all the Formal Recruitment outfits

All of our new members!! How exciting!!

One of my DEAR friends from High School joined Alpha Phi through Formal Recruitment. I am very proud to have Rachelle as my sorority sister!

The end of Formal Recruitment (Bid Day) brought all of my best friends back! Great jobs as Rho Gammas, but I am glad we can all wear our letters and be proud to know each other!

Alpha Phis and WU at Race for the Cure!


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