
Showing posts from January, 2012

First Hospital Scare

Everyone kept telling me that our first year of marriage was going to be the hardest and if we could make it through that year then we could make it through anything. Well I really started this year of hardships off correctly, considering I just spent the last week in the hospital. I have been having problems with swelling of my legs and feet and shortness of breath on and off since October. My doctor told me in October it had to just deal with my stress level from the wedding planning and the fact that my thyroid numbers were abnormal. So I was told to watch what I eat, take vitamins and start a thyroid medication. He also gave me a pill to help with my water weight gain (that did not help what so ever) Needless to say, this did not help. Things kept getting worse, all of my family on both sides were freaking out when they saw me around the holiday. I apparently looked like the walking dead. So finally after another appointment with my doctor and a trip to the immediate c...

Newest Family Addition

Payden is such an amazing husband. He has been wanting to get me a kitty as a Christmas gift but I could never find one that I liked enough to adopt, and we knew that we wanted to adopt from the Humane Society so it was only a matter of time before I found one that I feel in love with. Yesterday I was looking online at the Kansas Humane Society's website, because he told me to, and found a 2 month old kitten named Mandy that I could not say no too. Lucky for me when I called they said she was still available for adoption and that I could put a hold on her to pick her up the next day. So the next thing I know, I am doing it! I had her on hold for us! And I couldn't wait to go get her the next day. Last night Payden and I talked about what we wanted to change her name to, because obviously I couldn't keep my cat named my best friend's name, and we decided upon Vegas. What a perfect name for our first animal as husband and wife. So Vegas was her name and we started cle...