Mandy's Baby Shower

This past Sunday I was able to throw my best friend Mandy her first baby shower. Jenny (Mandy's Alpha Phi Big Sister) and I worked hard the whole month texting each other and gathering ideas and activities for the shower. We decided to have a book theme for the baby, so we had everyone bring books for a raffle so that Mandy and Tannen can have a Mommy and Me Library started before he arrives. The overall theme of the shower was "Goodnight Moon" and it turned out so cute! I worked really hard on her diaper cake and we picked out some fun games for the girls to play. The cake that we ordered matched the theme perfectly and it was adorable. Mandy really enjoyed herself and got alot of really good gifts for her and the baby. I was really proud of how it all turne dout and I am so happy for her. Here are some pictures from the shower.