We did it!

We are officially college graduates! It is crazy to think that after all of this hard work we finally got to walk across the stage. I can’t believe how fast graduation day came and went. I was told how proud everyone was of us because most people get married and one (if not both of them) end up dropping out of college to pay bills and work more but neither of us did, we stuck through it and finished and got married half way through college. I would never change how we did it, walking across the stage with my husband was one of the greatest memories I will have. After everything that we have had to go through these last 5/6 years has been hard but we never let that stop us, even at times when we knew it would be easier to just stop. We have had to go through multiple hospital stays, a major health scare, our wedding and the start of our married life all while finishing school. Yes it might have taken us longer then it should had but I am very proud of how much we accomplished, went thro...