We did it!

We are officially college graduates! It is crazy to think that after all of this hard work we finally got to walk across the stage. I can’t believe how fast graduation day came and went. I was told how proud everyone was of us because most people get married and one (if not both of them) end up dropping out of college to pay bills and work more but neither of us did, we stuck through it and finished and got married half way through college. I would never change how we did it, walking across the stage with my husband was one of the greatest memories I will have. After everything that we have had to go through these last 5/6 years has been hard but we never let that stop us, even at times when we knew it would be easier to just stop. We have had to go through multiple hospital stays, a major health scare, our wedding and the start of our married life all while finishing school. Yes it might have taken us longer then it should had but I am very proud of how much we accomplished, went through and that we were still able to finish. Payden could not have made me prouder then he did, I knew that he was not all too thrilled to have to sit through graduation but we did and he kept me entertained the whole time. I am so proud to also have found out that he graduated college with honors: Cum Laude! I wish I had known when I bought our tassels and his cap and gown so he could have had his cords to wear but either way I was a very happy and proud wife for all the hard work my husband put in during college. It was nice that the ceremony ran smoothly and quickly and was not nearly as long as we both expected it to be. It made it easier that I forced Payden to participate. 2 hours is the perfect time for everything and I was thrilled to have a small break in between the ceremony, pictures and our party.

I worked really hard to plan a graduation party that would be relaxing but fun for everyone involved. My parents order us the perfect cakes we could had asked for and we were surrounded by friends and family who love and support us. It was such a fun night and I kept getting compliments about the party and we were constantly being told how proud everyone was of us. Payden and I had a blast and loved being able to spend time with all the people who we are so lucky to have in our lives. Both of our families were so proud of us and I felt like everything went so smoothly at the party. I of course didn’t sit down all night and barely ate anything because I was being the “hostess housewife” that we all know I do so well. That wasn’t a complaint, it is the truth, I love playing hostess and can’t wait for the day that we have a house so that I can play hostess more often.

I want to thank everyone again for sharing the day/night with us and for all the thoughtful gifts. We were not expecting to receive everything that we did and we are truly blessed to have been spoiled in the manner that we were. I am so proud to be able to say that we are college graduates and I am so thrilled to have shared this moment with my husband and our closest family and friends. I can never truly thank everyone involved enough for all the love and support we have received. That is always far more important to us then the monetary/materialistic gifts (though those are always a nice added bonus). So thank you and truly know that we are lucky to have everyone in our lives. We are excited to see what our futures will hold and can’t wait to see what is next in our journey together!

 Lining up before the ceremony 

The ceremony 

After the ceremony 

Graduation party 



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