my semester thus far....

So my semester really has been busier then I thought. I am truly enjoying my position as VPPD in Alpha Phi and I feel as if I am doing a great job (if I do say so myself). As for the goals in which I listed in my last blog I feel as if I am doing well on those as well. As I have said above I do believe that I am doing a great job as VPPD even though at times I am really getting that so called "crasy PD look in my eyes" I feel as if I am handling that stress the best that I can. My semester is going really well class and grade wise and I am working really hard to keep up with homework and to keep my grades up. Time with my boyfriend is hit or miss. I am really trying hard to make sure that I see him as much as I can and I feel as if I am doing better on that this semester then I have in the past. We have our tiffs at times but really we have a great trusting relationship and that really helps when we are both very busy and have to rely on that trust we have for each other. I am really lucky to have him in my life and to be in love with my best friend and sometimes I take that for advantage. My time with my family has been very well spent. I try to go over there every other week after my exec meetings for Alpha Phi on Sundays and that has been working out really well. I love family time and sometimes that is really needed in my life in order to help keep me sane. lol. As for my last couple of goals I am still planning things out but not nearly as much as I have in the past which is nice and I am trying to enjoy the smaller things in life which really has helped me enjoy my life more. I am also trying to be nicer to those in whom I do not always get along with and I feel that has really helped me grow to be a better person. Though at times it can be hard I know that in the end it really will be worth it.

I have recentlly just moved out of my three person room into a two person room with the loverly Courtney B. Crain whom I love dearly and I am really enjoying our time together. We are going on a trip this weekend with our guys to go and watch the Shockers play at the Missouri Valley Confrence and I am so overly excited! I love Shocker basketball soooo much!

Viva La Red (orginally known as Red Dress Gala) was this past Friday and I must say that it went so smoothly. I was very proud of my roommate (who happens to be the Vice President of Marketing for Alpha Phi) and her committee and all of their hard work. It was a great event and I was proud to call myself and Alpha Phi.

Spring break is coming up here soon, thank goodness because I really need a break and I am going on the Greek Retreat in Ark City that first weekend (March 12th and 13th) so that should be alot of fun and should really help me with my position and the futrue positions I wish to run for.

That is all for now. Time for homework before going to work.

Here are pictures though

The wonderful ladies who went to Alpha Phi Regionals in January and we are showing off our hard work that earned us the Recruitment award!

Miss Kelsey Lynn Klaver won Homecoming Queen for the first WSU Homecoming in 20 years. Another moment in which I was proud to be an Alpha Phi and call that wonderful women my sister!


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