Summer (?) 2010

Since Summer 2010 is almost fully over, and I haven't blogged in what feels like forever I decided I should write an update on my ever so busy and ever so changing life.

The semester ended in a world of emotions, for me to only to just jump right back into a semester of classes: Statistics (everyday of the week for an hour each day) and an online Theater class. But with only one week off between the two semesters my best friend Caroline made sure to start my summer off right. We had a week trip with her parents in Destin, Florida at her parent's condo! It was amazing! Here is a picture of us on one of the shopping days we had.

With having classes over the summer, plus working full time it has been really hard for me to have an actual summer but I have made the best of it as I could.
Payden and his sister share a birthday (June 6th) and I decided to throw them a huge joint party since it was big birthdays for the two of them. He was turning 21 and she was having her Sweet 16. Here is a picture of the birthday siblings and the amazing cake I picked out for them, it was what we called the "Joker Cake" haha.

The summer also started off with another huge milestone for the Hamilton family. Payden's grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! The family party that we all threw for them was an amazing time and I only hope tha Payden and I will be as happy as they are after 50 years.

My wonderful friend/Alpha Phi sister has made sure to involve me in all of her concert experiences this summer and I have a great time! Tim McGraw with Love and Theft and Lady Antebellum was an amazing concert! As well as all the concerts at Country Round Up! It was really alot of fun!
Here is a picture of us at the Tim McGraw, Lady Antebellum and Love and Theft concert!

And here is a picture of the two of us on one of the days at Country Round Up. Look at how burnt she is...silly girl!

This summer our Alpha Phi Chapter President, my PIC, Courtney P. also had her 21st birthday. (Everyone I hang out with is older then me!). It was nice to go out and see all of our sisters who we haven't seen in forever! Dinner was a great time and Courtney even had shirts made for the occasion that were really funny! Here is a picture of all the Alpha Phi girls who went to the dinner, most of us are wearing that shirt that was made. lol

With Formal Recruitment coming up in September we are really using the summer for alot of Recruitment Retreats and practices. With our first retreat we had a sisterhood afterwards and had a huge pool party at Ashley's house (Ashley is the Vice President of Member Recruitment and the main lady in charge when it comes to anything dealing with Recruitment). The pool party was a blast even though it was hotter then hot outside, it was nice to just hang out with all of our sister and enjoy each others company and catch up. Here is a photo of us all right before the party ended.

And now that summer is coming to an end it is hard for me to cram everything in that I really want to do over the summer and I have to mentally prepare myself for the semester I have ahead of myself for the fall. Lots to do and lots that is coming up.
That is all for now, summer has been good to me considering all that I have going on.


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