My Candle Passing

I have been meaning to write this post about my candle passing since it happened...two months ago (October 18th, 2010). I finally found the time so here it goes.

Since Payden proposed at the start of fall break I had to keep everything about our engagement on the downlow (and asked the few people in which I told to do the same) so I could surprise my Alpha Phi sisters at our meeting the following Monday.

My dear friend and sorority sister Kayla Ramsey made my candle and I really loved the way it turned out and appreciate her doing that for me and how happy she was to do it.

Meeting that following Monday was our Founder's Day, a huge celebration where our alumni and current memebers come together to celebrate the greatness of our organization. It is a big deal every year and I was so excited to have my big moment announced at such a huge event! I had to wait the whole event before I could have my candle passing (or to wear my ring!) and it was KILLING ME! I had so many emotions I had to hold inside because only a few memebers knew a candle passing was even going to happen.

Finally toward the end of the event, my time had finally come! The candle passing was everything I expected and more. I LOVED seeing the faces of shock made by my sisters when it was finally me who blew the candle out and the excitment they showed for me when they saw my ring.

Sharing my story and my overwhelming happiness with so many of my sisters (alumni, pas and present) meant the world to me and having my candle passing at Founder's Day seriously made it that much better and a day/night that I will never forget.

Here are some pictures from that event.

My candle that Kayla made me.

Right after I blew the candle out

Telling my story

finishing my story and Kayla is trying to get my ring off the ribbon on the candle so I can finally wear it again.


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