Thanks for the memories 2010

This year was a year filled with so many events for me. A year of rollercoaster events and emotions but overall a year that I truly enjoyed and a year that has changed me for the better as a person.

I started off the year of 2010 as Alpha Phi’s Vice President of Program and Development. After my first semester in this position, I was starting of 2010 feeling good about all that I had done. I felt proud of what I had successfully accomplished in the position that most people considered as the hardest within the chapter. I will forever be proud of myself for taking on this position because it not only taught me so much about my chapter but also about myself.

The weekend of Valentine’s Day I was able to visit my best friend Caroline in her college town of Lawrence to spend the weekend with her and was able to attend a KU basketball game. This weekend was filled with the typical KU college weekend experiences, weekends that I am not use to but still enjoyed. Caroline and I’s friendship is something I am lucky to have. I know that no matter how different we may be and how far away we from each other I know that she will always be there for me and that I am thankful for.

After my weekend in KU, I rushed home on Sunday to make it back to Wichita in time for the Alpah Phi Executive Board meeting and to make it to the Homecoming Men’s Basketball game. I was not able to attending any of the homecomin activities that weekend due to the fact I was in KU but I was thankful I was able to make it back in time for the game because one of my dear friends and sorority sisters, Kelsey Klaver was crowned Homecoming Queen. The first Wichita State Homecoming Queen in 20 years! I was so proud of her at that moment, she truly was the best person to have such a title. I am lucky to know her and have her as such a big part of my life.

As Vice President of Program and Development, I was able to attend the Alpha Phi Regional Confrence in St. Louis in March with my Chapter Advisior, Chapter President (Courtney Price) and two follow Vice Presidents: Ashley Blanton (Vice President of Member Recruitment) and Courtney Crain (Vice President of Marketing). This weekend was seriously one of the greatest weekends of my time in Alpha Phi. I learned so much about our organization as well as so much about my sisters. This weekend helped the friendships I shared with these women grow and flourish into friendships that I will forever to charish.

Another trip I was able to go on as Vice President of Program and Development for my chapter was the Greek Retreat for Wichita State for a weekend in St. Louis. I loved being able to spend the weekend with three of my sorority sisters (Ashley Blanton, Jami Rafferty, and Aleasha Greene) and many other Greeks from our campus. It was such a great weekend and I made many friends with many people from the different chapters on campus and I loved being able to learn about Greek Life and ways to improve our campus life.

One of the greatest memories of 2010 was the weekend I spent in St. Louis for Arch Madness. Payden took me to the the Missouri Valley Men’s Basketball Tournament to watch Wichita State for the weekend. Our favorite couple (Courtney Crain and Jeremey Sendall) joined us on this weekend trip and this really helped our relationship grow. This was not only my favorite weekend because it was a weekend full of basketball (though that was a big part of it) but because we spent the whol weekend sight seeing and double dating when we were not watching the team. I overcame my fear of heights and went up in the Arch, and after I stopped crying I really enjoyed the view and I am very glad I did it. We also went to the St. Louis zoo for a day and that was alot of fun. We spent alot of time walking around town and made many many memories. We all are planning on going again this upcoming year, which will be alot of fun because we all will be 21. I am so glad we decided to go on this trip and I look forward to the memories that are made this time around this year.

Toward the beginning of the semester I was lucky enough to get my second Alpha Phi dot: Annie. Annie was the first one of my dots to stay as an active member of the chapter and our relationship has changed my life. We have grown to become so close thanks to our mom/dot relationship and she is now one of my closest friends. We plan our semesters together each time around so that we can take a class or two together with is always fun and has helped us grow closer. I am veyr glad I was able to get her as my dot and to have our relationship as part of my life.

Right after the semester ended I was able to go on a Florida trip with Caroline. It was nice to be able to have such a fun and relaxing trip together right after our Sophmore years of college. We typically go to Florida as a Spring Break trip but due to how busy the two of us were we pushed it back to the first week of summer and that was such a great idea. We spent the entire week shopping, eating out and relaxing/laying out at the beach. We even made a stop at my dream college Texas A&M on our way home to visit the campus and a friend. It was such a great week in two of my favorite places: Florida and my home state Texas.

Right after the Florida trip I started into my summer class. I ended up having to take College Statistics and it was a class that I went to everyday for a hour and did the homework online and I ended up doing a lot better in it then I expected and I was very proud of myself!

2010 was a year filled of concerts for me with family and my great friends!

•I saw Josh Turner with Payden, him family and my friend/sorority sister Kayla Ramsey
•I saw Love and Theft, Lady Antebellum and Tim McGraw with my sister-sister Tiffani and Kayla
•Kayla and I went to two days of Country Roundup and saw: Randy Houser, Chris Cagle, Keith Anderson, and Dierks Bentley
•I saw Billy Currington and Carrie Underwood with Payden’s mom and sister
•I saw Dane Cook with Kayla, Mandy Richardson, Staci Martin and Chris Martin

2010 was also the year with Tiffani and I continued our sisterly tradition of seeing the midnight showings of our favorite book/movie series. We saw “Eclipse” and “Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows: Part 1”. We have seen all the midnight showings of the Twilight Saga and the Harry Potter series and we plan on continuing this tradition with the last movies for these series coming out this upcoming 2011 year.

2010 was also the year where myself and all of my friends finally turned 21. It was so fun to be able to see all of us becoming “Big Kids”. The list of all of the 21st birthday’s I witnessed: Kayla, Payden, Courtney Crain, Courtney Price, Mandy, and Stephanie Larma.

I started off my fall semester of my Junior year by dropping the Vice President of Program and Developement position for the Chapter due to serveral family and financial problems. This was seriously one of the hardest parts of my year and of my life. It was very hard for me to be able to sit in front of my chapter and disappoint all of those who looked up to me but I knew it was something that I had to do and no matter what happens that position truly changed me into a better person and allowed me to grow more respect for my chapter and my organization as a whole.

Fall 2010 also brought another great and super successful Formal Recuritment for my chapter of Alpha Phi. It was so great to be able to say I was apart of the two formal recuritments that greatly changed our chapter and to be able to welcome and 40 member new member class into our chapter this fall. I am so excited to see how our chapter grows and changes from here on out.

This fall 2010 new member class brought me my third and final dot in Alpha Phi. Rachelle Juresic is this dot I am talking about and she happens to be one of my friends from high school and it was one of my proudest moments to welcome her into our chapter and to have her as my dot. I am so happy to see how our friendship has grown because of this mom/ dot relationship.

This same Big/Lil Reveal gave my dot Annie the chance to recieve her first dot and my first G-dot in Alpha Phi. Arianna is such a sweet girl and I am so happy to be a Gma in the house and to be able to watch one of my dots grow as a Mom in Alpha Phi.

During the fall of 2010 I was finally able to attend Wichita State Homecoming activites for the second homecoming of the year. It was a fun time with great sisters/friends and to be able to see two of our Alpha Phi sisters (Courtney Price and Ashley Blanton) be on the Homecoming Royalty Court.

As all of us know, my greatest and happiest moment of 2010 was finally getting engaged to the love of my life: Payden. After dating him for four years I was expecting the proposal but he still surprised me on the way he did it and I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. I am proudly wearing my beautiful engagement ring and planning my wedding to my best friend. 2010 changed our relationship and I am so excited to see what the year 2011 brings us and to see us grow together as a couple.

2010 was such a great year for me and I have grown up so much as a person. I am truly looking foward to what changes 2011 will bring in my life and to grow and start these new chapter in my life. 2011, don’t you dare disappoint me!

The end of this year I have been lucky enough to be able to attend and witness a dear friend (Courtney Crain’s) pre-wedding festivites. Courtney and I have grown to have such a great friendship and I am truly lucky to have her in my life. It means so much to me to be apart of these events in her life. Her bridal shower was truly beautiful and I am looking forward to attending her bachlorette party this upcoming weekend and to be apart of her wedding and to witness her finally becoming Mrs. Jeremey Sendall. The love those two share for each other is truly touching and I am so greatful to have their support in my relationship and for the four of us to have such a close friendship.

I ended the year (besides with the holidays) with the chance to be able to witness a pledge sister get married. Kelley and Cameron’s wedding was truly beautiful and I was very happy to be able to witness it. I wish them the very best!


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