Wedding Reception

I am almost all caught up with my blogging on the big events that have happened in my life. Our wedding reception was two weekends ago on the 22nd. The night before we went with some family and a few friends to set up the place and get that all wrapped up and out to dinner. Trying to do things a little normal (with out a rehearsal but still some family time). The actual day of the reception I was all over the place emotionally. Family situations were driving me up the wall and some people were really bugging me when it came to many aspects of the day. I was excited and wanted the day to get started but I was also stressed and worried it all wouldn't work out the way I had planned. Once we arrived all dressed up, a few hitches had occurred, hair took longer, peoeple didn't show up on time for pictures. After those few things got out of the way and pictures got wrapped up I was ready to get the show on the road and over with so I could just go home and go to bed.. haha. Th...