"Nobody likes you when you're twenty-three"

I've always wanted to sing that song by Blink-182 and I have finally gotten tot he age where I can.

Today I am officially 23 years old. And I woke up this morning to my loving husband saying "Happy birthday, you are now one year closer to 30". Just what I wanted to hear.

Normally I am obsessed with my birthday and super excited to celebrate but this year I haven't really cared all that much. Even when I am going to dinner or something to celebrate with family or friends. I am just not as in to it I guess. Too old to care I guess.

But none the less this year has been great. I have recieved alot of love and have been given alot of really nice gifts from family and friends.

The girls at work really spoiled me with custome WSU Toms, and a cookie cake. I was so appreciative of the gifts that they even recieved hugs from me.

The Hamiltons took me out to dinner at Fizz Burger and Company and got me a Nook Color while Payden bought me a pink tazer.

Last night I went out to dinner with a few friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was a good time but nothing too special since I am not a big party person.

Today, my actual birthday I am working a few hours to get time and a half and then the husband and I are going out to go see the new Expendables movie.

And next Sunday, the 9th, the Horth family is going out to dinner to celebrate my birthday and my littler sister Tiffani's birthay (which is the 13th).

All in all it has been a pretty good 23rd birthday.


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