Wild Rumpus Baby Shower

Two of my best friends; Mandy and Kayla threw my first baby shower on November 1st. One of Nancy's friends was kind enough to let us host the shower at her home. The decorations for the party were so cute and such a perfect representation of my favorite book "Where The Wild Things Are". 

The girls planned some fun games one being present bingo, guess what's in the bag but my favorite was the newly parent game where they had asked Payden questions and I had to guess what his answer was. It showed how much the two of us know each other and how excited he is to be a dad. For him not being much of a talker when it comes to his emotions it is nice to see the sweet answers he had. 

I can't even put into words how cute all the gifts were and how much fun I had opening them. 

The girls also know me so well to know to have a place set up for me to take pictures with everyone and even bought photo booth probs. 

Plus I was lucky to have both of my sorority littles at the shower. All three of us are pregnant and Rachelle was five days to her due date so we got lucky. And we took the cuter pictures of our three bumps. 


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