Kayla's Bridal Shower!

My best friend gets married next month and today her bridesmaids (including myself) three her her baby shower. It turned out perfect! The decorations were amazing and everyone had fun. 

I had to bring Wyatt with me since Payden worked the night before and needless to say he was a hit! Such a well behaved baby and his Aunt Mandy was a lifesaver helping me by watching him while I helped throw the shower. 

I even had Wyatt match my outfit and it was the cutest. 

Here are pictures of the decorations: 

Matching mommy and baby 

Kayla with her cake that her grandma made. 

Bridal party:

Aunt Mandy and Wyatt: 

Kayla and us:

Mandy and I:

My handsome baby: 


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