Bridal Shower #1

Last week (the 22nd) was my first bridal shower, that my soon to be cousins Brittney and Brooke and their mom (my soon to be aunt) Brenda threw me. I love my Hamilton family and the connections/friendships I have made with them. I had a blast at this shower and I loved the games that we played, I do not normally like shower games but they did an amazing job picking out games that I would enjoy. We played the “Price is Right” game, the “Newlywed Game” (which was my favorite) and a game where the guest had to draw my wedding dress on a piece of paper that was on top of their head.
I finally got to have all of my bridesmaids in one room together and got to have a picture with all six as a group! I loved that they all went out of their way to come and see me and spend time with me at my shower!!

The gifts were amazing and I had such a great time. It truly means alot to me how much time and effort people took into making sure the day was fun for me and that I would enjoy the gifts that I recieved!

Payden and I had a blast last night opening all the boxes and putting stuff away and slowly getting our home in order.

Here are some basic pictures from the afternoon.

My cake: that matched the invitations and was lime and strawberry margarita flavored!

Me with my cake and sash

Right before games and gifts

The gift table

With the people who threw the party for me

With all of my beautiful bridal party!

With my mom and two of my sisters who came!


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