Happy Valentine's Day

Today marks four months of being married to Payden and our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple.

Neither of those are that big of a deal nor a big mile stone but it is nice to just say. lol
I surprised him this morning with a gift that he has been wanting. So I am pretty sure that I have this whole “be a good wife” thing in the bag already. If I do say so myself he is pretty lucky to have me be his MRS.

This afternoon he picked me up from work so we could go and have a quick lunch together at Old Chicago. It is always nice to just have some time just the two of us. I love our little dates that we get to get randomly. Always makes my day to just spend some quality time with him.

When I got home from work we built Vegas her new tower that I got her for Valentine’s Day and there was a gift waiting for me from my husband on my desk. The card was the best part, sweetest man in the world.  l am so lucky to have him. 


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