For 2013

There are only a few things that are my goals for 2013: though most of them are large goals I am excited to get this year started and to see our lives grow into the future that we both want. 

  • use this blog as a blog about our lives together and married life and our journey as a family
  • graduate college (for both of us: May 17th) finally
  • join a gym together and get into a healthier lifestyle
  • get my medications and health organized so we can make the next step in decision making for our family
  • start the process of becoming home owners. At least get the research and things started 
  • get Payden into the police academy
So here is to the new year and here's to us trying to achieve as many of our goals as we can. I am excited to see what 2013 has for us as a couple. We are very excited for our future. 


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