Wyatt is FOUR months old!!

Wyatt is FOUR months old today!! He is sleeping 5-7 hours between feedings but puts up a fight falling asleep at night time. He's celebrated his first Easter and got to meet the Easter bunny. He is wearing 0-3 month, and 3 month outfits and squeezing into a few of his newborn outfits (because mom can't let them go just yet!)  He now weighs 11 pounds (crazy how big he has gotten) and is 23 inches long. He smiles all the time and has started to laugh (which is the CUTEST sound ever!). We just noticed that it looks like he has a dimple (not sure where that came from genetically lol). He has started staring at his mobile, fans and lights. He is holding his head up for longer periods of time and loves to be held to where he can see everything that's going on around him. He loves being outside. He has figured out he has a tongue and is always sticking it out. And he has found his hands, and he is always staring at them or sucking on them. 


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