Wyatt is ELEVEN months old!!
Clearly I am behind on blogging again. With Wyatt turning one and the holidays everything else slipped my mind. So I'm playing catch up (again) on the blog.

This is what I wrote that day when I posted his picture.
This dude is ELEVEN months old. I can't even wrap my head around that! Like let me take a minute and hold back tears that he will be one next month.
Crazy Wyatt is his nickname because he has crazy hair and is crazy silly, crazy loud and crazy cuddly. He shakes his head no when we try to feed him or give him something that he isn't interested in. He loves being able to pull himself up to stand (in the crib, in the playpen, by the couches, at his toys, at the dog gate or crate). He loves hearing his own voice and laughs when we laugh. He has the best facial expressions ever and can't hide what he is thinking or his emotions because his face gives him away (gets that from his momma FOR SURE). He's getting use to his big boy car seat and would still rather in outside (even if its cold). He is a crawling machine and way too fast for us sometimes. He can take steps while holding onto things so walking (or running) is coming VERY soon. Teething has been the worst it has been here lately but still no teeth (yet). He weighs 20 pounds as of today!
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