Wyatt is A YEAR old!!

Wyatt turned one on a Sunday and we had his first birthday that day. So I posted his 12 month photos the night before. It's crazy to look back and make this blog and think that my kid is over a year old. Time goes by so fast.

This is what I wrote when I posted his photos the day before his birthday. 

Wyatt Phillip is ONE YEAR OLD (tomorrow)! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by and how far he has come. From premie birth and a NICU stay to this wild little boy. He still has no teeth, weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches tall. Tall and skinny dude! He loves making as much noise as possible. Loves giving kisses and "pat pats". He talks all the time, crawls around like a mad man, climbs the stairs when we aren't looking and keeps us on our toes. We are obsessed with our little man and can't believe we (almost) have a toddler!



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