End of November

Basketball season is WELL underway and I have made it to every home game. Loving all the basketball in my life currently.And that Maggi and I have the “game day selfie” tradition---hints all the following photos.

**Side note: Did you know that ‘selfie’ was the word of the year for 2013? Um crazy how our social media generation changes trends and things.

The Horth family took family photos. I swear we haven’t had family pictures done since I lived there…and maybe since I was in high school. I can’t remember but it was A LONG time ago. I was happy that we finally did them and that my husband was a part of them. The pictures turned out great!

I have started helping my dad with the social media for his company: Dream Life Homes. And I am having a blast doing it.Hoping that I can get to do more to help his company grow. I am in love with his work and so proud of what he does.

Thanksgiving was such a fun and busy day!  The day started out pretty stressful just because cooking two sides in our small apartment gets to me. First off was the Hamilton side for Thanksgiving, which was so much fun like always. We even got to Skype with cousin Ryan who is serving overseas in the USAF during our Thanksgiving prayer. Gotta love technology. That evening we went straight from the Hamilton thanksgiving to the Horth Thanksgiving. Played a few round of “Apples to Apples”, had a lot of food and spent a few hours just hanging out and talking with the family. Such a fun day!

No Black Friday shopping for the two of us. I had to work all day today and Payden had to go to his parent’s house and start getting Christmas decorations down and then go to his mom’s side of the family’s Thanksgiving celebration. I am bummed out that I don’t get to attend another celebration because I could really go for another helping and another piece of pie (or four).

But tonight we are getting to put up our new Christmas tree and all of our decorations!! I am so excited because I have a busy weekend ahead of me and on Tuesday I go in for my wisdom teeth removal surgery and will be out of commission for at least a week… including no work… (Only way I can get a vacation this time of year is by having surgery… lol).


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