Life lately in photos.

Three of our favorite shows came out on DVD in the last week or so. We are excited! 

My new car freshener that I got from Bath and Body Works. So cute! 

Another concert date has been planned with my friend Kayla!! 

Payden and I tried this new pizza place in town that is like a chipotle for your pizza. So cool and great food. We loved it! 

Wichita State finally posted their full schedule for Men's Basketball 2014-2015 year!  

Onto another book on my friend Tristan and I's book/movie list. 

Just one of the pictures of Vegas that Payden sent me while I was at work. How is this not the cutest thing? 

I'm just so in love with my little family. I love how much Vegas adores her dad. Photos like these are my favorite! 

Getting caught up on our newest tv show obsession. 

So excited that my sorority little "Dottie" and her son Paxton are in town and I've gotten to hang out with them before they head back home! 

I'm so excited that my Simplified Planner for 2015 has come in. There isn't a better feeling than filling a blank agenda with important life dates! 

Getting stocked up on Davis Moore ago shirts. 

My husband= a man after my own heart. Picking one of my all time favorite places for our dinner. 

My phone cord at work is always laying in a heart. 

I may have a sweater addiction. 

The first sonogram of the newest addition to the Kennedy family! Can't wait to find out if I'm going to have another nephew or a niece! 

I got to meet Perry Ellis (a Wichita Heights alum and a KU basketball player) at work! The basketball nerd in me was dying! 

My handsome husband got a haircut before our anniversary photos. 

I got my Halloween baseball tee from my favorite Etsy store. 


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