Happy Valentine's Day 2015

My husband spoils me everyday, I'm not just saying that, he really does. But when it comes to Valentine's Day he always does something to make me feel super loved. Even if we say no gifts I always end up getting something and I love that about him. 

My favorite thing no matter what is always the card that he picks out for me. For s man of so little words, these cards are always so thoughtful and loving. Seriously brings a tear to my eyes each time. 

This year Payden sent me chocolate covered strawberries to my work! For a girl who doesn't really like flowers (because I'm not one who can keep them alive) this was the perfect gift! And talk about yummy!! 

Instead of Valentine's Day dinner we went to watch WSU play an away game. He really is the best husband. 

And here's my photo from snapchat with their Valentine's Day art. (Even though it isn't proper English). 


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