Life Lately in Photos

The last home Wichita State game I could attend was this past Sunday (the 22nd). 

The 22nd also happened to be National Margarita Day, so I had to celebrate! 

Payden likes to send pictures of Vegas wanting to cuddle with him while I'm stuck at work. Not nice. 

Say hello to the newest nephew added to our growing list: Jamesito Aldana! Born 2.23.15 at 1:45pm weighing 7lbs and 10oz. Payden's best friend David is officially a daddy!

I'm all ready for Mandy's baby shower this upcoming weekend (the 28th). 
Our 2014 yearbook came in!! 

My best friend Kayla got proposed to on hercfirstcsag of their family cruise and I (IM)patiently waited a week to share the news with the world. Then I got this snapchat and it made it worth the wait! So excited and happy for her! 

While Kayla was out of town on their cruise I was house sitting for her and decided to make an engagement basket for her! 


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