National Husband Appreciation Day

Today happens to be #NationalHusbandAppreciationDay and it also happens to be ten days until our closing/moving date! So on this day I want to thank my wonderful husband for all that he does. It amazes me how he has stood by my side through all the events in my life these last 9 years. I can't imagine where'd I'd be if I hadn't given his the chance in high school. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh or feel loved. 

Payden, you still annoy me as much (if not more) as the first day I met you but you also make me laugh harder than anyone I've ever known and you show me what true love is everyday of our lives together. I'm still so excited to be married to you and can't wait to start this homeowner journey with you in TEN DAYS! Love you butthead! 


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