Wyatt is FIVE months old!

I am posting this late (but it's better than now than never). Here's what I wrote on the 11th when we turned 5 months old. 

Wyatt is FIVE months old! He is a talkative little man and loves when we laugh. He is the king of cat naps during the day and sleeping though the night (in his crib!) He loves bath time, kisses from mom and dad, and outfit changes (although he'd be happy in just a diaper if mom let him). He is wearing three month outfits still. He is kinda obsessed with eating (wonder where he gets that from) and we are waiting for the okay from the doctor to move him to baby food. We are working on perfecting his rolling skills. He loves his blankets (and loves putting them on his face). He was extra loves on mom's first Mother's Day. We are so thankful for him. 


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