Wyatt is SIX Months Old!

Happy half birthday Wyatt Phillip! Little man is SIX months old, a half a year has gone by in a blink of an eye! He's always happy when he wakes up. He is teething but hasn't had a tooth pop through just yet. He is in size 2 diapers. He has been in 6 month sleepers for a month or so because of how long he is and still wearing some 3 month outfits but is transitioning to 6 month clothes. He fights going to sleep but sleeps through the night in his crib once he is asleep. He loves being carried around and being able to see everything around him. He loves being outside, talking to daddy and cuddling with mommy. We are still working on his rolling over skills and his sitting up skills. He hates getting his nails trimmed and teething but other than that he's a very happy baby. 

And a year ago today we found out I was pregnant. Now we have a six month old a year later! 


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