
Showing posts from August, 2016

Movie Review: Suicide Squad

Payden took me on a movie date to get my mind off of things and to keep me from crying. It was what I needed to get my mind off of everything.  I'm so glad he took me to see this because it was just what I expected and wanted it to be. The acting was great, it was so funny, I loved the effect and the soundtrack rocked! A five star rating in my book and I can't wait to own it. Loved it!  And love that husband of mine who held me while I tried to adjust to the idea my grandma wasn't here with us anymore. 

Rest In Peace

Last night my grandmother passed away, ending her two year medical battle. I can't even put into words my emotions. She will be so missed.  Here is the post I made saying goodbye to her. The women who helped raise me and has been there for me every step of the way has passed away. Growing up with my grandma living with us was always a crazy experience but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I can't put into words the love I have for her and how much I have appreciated her. I'm happy that she was able to watch me graduated high school and college, get married and that she got to meet Wyatt. Gma Pat you will be so missed but I am happy that you are at peace and are no longer in pain. I love you.

Movie Review: Bad Moms

I got to sneak in a Wednesday $5 movie night with my best friend and fellow "bad mom" to see Bad Moms  and it was such a good movie!  We had a great best friend date and were laughing the whole movie! Hands down the movie is getting a five star rating in my book and I can't wait to own it on DVD! 

Wyatt is EIGHT months old!

Wyatt Phillip is EIGHT months old. We love seeing him grow and get excited as he can start doing more things but at the same time it kills me a little each month as he gets bigger. Slow down time! Wyatt is the happiest baby for the most part, until you see him getting tired but he wants to stay awake to see the world. He hates to think he will be missing out on everything around him. He loves standing up with assistance to see everything around him. He is pretty much sitting unassisted but doesn't have a lot of interest in crawling or rolling over. Though I'm pretty sure he will be able to crawl here pretty soon. He scoots around on his back and thinks it's the funniest thing. He is a "talking" all the time, loves trying new food/eating and thinks farting is funny. He weighs 17 pounds 4 ounces and is 27 inches long. Still wearing 6 month clothes but moving into 9 month sleepers and pants. 

Movie Review: Jason Bourne

Payden and I had the plan to go on a warren 21 date but I didn't buy tickets before hand so we had to wait an hour and see it in a normal theater. Payden wanted to see this movie more than I did but it was a nice day date and I enjoyed the movie. It was just what I expected and very much like the other ones. It was good and had a lot of action so Payden liked it. I'd probably give it a four star rating but Payden is still going to want to own it once it comes out. Overall I was happy just to go out s a couple baby free so that was the best part. 

Wyatt's 2nd Zoo Trip

Last week we went to the last free night at the zoo for "Twilight Tuesday". Let me tell you it being free made the trip not worth it.  Too many people and too hot. We stayed for about an hour and made sure to see the new elephant exhibit but I'd rather pay to get into the zoo than to deal with all of those people.  Wyatt had a pretty good time considering how hot it was. We did get to use his stroller fan and he thought that was pretty cool.  I forgot to move his fan out of the way when we took our family photos though so that makes me mad.  After he zoo we went to daddy's favorite Mexican restaurant and Wyatt spent the whole time trying to grab at mom's food.    Look at this face though...

Update in photos

So I am way behind on picture updates. Being a working mom is hard y'all. But it's crazy to see how much Wyatt has grown already. I mean I'm already planning his first birthday. (But I a crazy planner like that). (Everything has to be perfect though).  Here are some of (a lot) my favorite pictures/moments since the last picture update.  (Riding in daddy's truck for the first time)  (Memorial Day 2016)  (Wearing one of daddy's baby outfits)  (Momma's new purse)  (First rice cereal experience. We have ourselves a foodie)  (Tannen K's 4th birthday)  (First baby food experience)  (Hayden's first birthday)  Play date with Colton (Still happy even though he was going through his first head cold)  (First sippy cup experience)  (Mom and dad made avocado baby food--LOVED IT)    (Homemade squash baby food)  (Lunch date with Aunt Annie, Paislee, Aunt Dannymike, Russell and mommy) (Almost a 4 generation photo but Daddy could...