Update in photos

So I am way behind on picture updates. Being a working mom is hard y'all. But it's crazy to see how much Wyatt has grown already. I mean I'm already planning his first birthday. (But I a crazy planner like that). (Everything has to be perfect though). 

Here are some of (a lot) my favorite pictures/moments since the last picture update. 

(Riding in daddy's truck for the first time) 

(Memorial Day 2016) 

(Wearing one of daddy's baby outfits) 

(Momma's new purse) 

(First rice cereal experience. We have ourselves a foodie) 

(Tannen K's 4th birthday) 

(First baby food experience) 

(Hayden's first birthday) 

Play date with Colton

(Still happy even though he was going through his first head cold) 

(First sippy cup experience) 

(Mom and dad made avocado baby food--LOVED IT) 


(Homemade squash baby food) 

(Lunch date with Aunt Annie, Paislee, Aunt Dannymike, Russell and mommy)

(Almost a 4 generation photo but Daddy couldn't come to the family reunion). 

(Auntie Paige) 

(Four generations on mommy's side)

(Play date at Aunt Dannymike's house)

Okay. I'm all caught up to this weekend! Hopefully I don't get this far behind again.  


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