Wyatt is EIGHT months old!

Wyatt Phillip is EIGHT months old. We love seeing him grow and get excited as he can start doing more things but at the same time it kills me a little each month as he gets bigger. Slow down time! Wyatt is the happiest baby for the most part, until you see him getting tired but he wants to stay awake to see the world. He hates to think he will be missing out on everything around him. He loves standing up with assistance to see everything around him. He is pretty much sitting unassisted but doesn't have a lot of interest in crawling or rolling over. Though I'm pretty sure he will be able to crawl here pretty soon. He scoots around on his back and thinks it's the funniest thing. He is a "talking" all the time, loves trying new food/eating and thinks farting is funny. He weighs 17 pounds 4 ounces and is 27 inches long. Still wearing 6 month clothes but moving into 9 month sleepers and pants. 


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