Wyatt is TEN months old.
Y'all this working mom life makes time FLY BY! On the 11th of October (hides face because of how long ago that was) Wyatt turned TEN months old!!

Here's the caption I posted that day (at least I'm keeping up with the pictures).
Our crazy Wyatt is TEN months old today! He has the silliest personality and loves finding ways to make us laugh. He loves trying new foods especially if he sees it's food coming from our plates. Veggies are his favorite and he HATES peaches. He's in size three diapers and 9 month clothes (some 12 month sleepers and pants though). He hasn't crawled but gets onto all fours and rocks back and forth. He is pulling himself up onto things and loves being able to stand on his own (holding onto something). He's not a fan of nap time but sleeps through the night for the most part. He loves to roll around especially during diaper and outfit changes. Still no teeth but still teething at times. He talks all the time and loves hearing his voice and/or scream. He can say dada, mama, doggie and yum yum. And making noises with his mouth is his favorite.

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