Cat Chronicles #3

Payden and I are obsessed cat parents. And yes we call ourselves mom and dad. Say what you will about that but we very much see her as our furry child and since we do not have children of our own (and since we do not know when or if we will have children of our own we baby her as such). She is the perfect child in our family of two three.

We both love to tell stories of Vegas and are always taking pictures of her. We both are very fond of people coming up to us and asking “how is your cat?” So once we got Vegas and everyone started hearing all of the stories we had about her, a friend of mine said I should document these stories… so that started my “Cat Chronicles”.

--One of my favorite things about 
Payden is that he has such an amazing relationship with Vegas, which most of the time makes me jealous (but that is a different story).  We use wet cat food as a special treat for Vegas. She is open fed dry food all day long and every once in awhile we will give her a portion of a can of wet food a few random days during a month. Well she very much knows what is in that can the moment we he grabs for it out of our pantry. But the best part of this whole situation is that Payden will read Vegas what is for dinner…like read her the name of the food and what the main ingredients are. Talk about the CUTEST thing in the world! And Vegas gets so excited about getting her ‘treat’ food that she won’t even letPayden put the dish on the ground before she is head butting him in the hand to get to her dish. She just gets so excited. She loves it! Seriously it is one of the best things to watch. They love each other so much… sometimes I think he loves her more than me.

--So in our apartment we have what they call a “Jack and Jill” bathroom: meaning that we have a toilet and sink room with a door to the room on both sides of the shower room. So the first toilet/sink room is where we have Vegas’ litter box. On that counter I keep my basic items like makeup, body spray and lotion and then in the other sink/toilet room is where we keep our toothpaste and mouth wash and such. The toilet/sink room that the toothpaste and such is in she never messes with anything on the counter but the room where her litter box is in she is CONSTANTLY knocking everything I have on the counter down or into the sink. She HATES that I have my things in what she 
apparently considers ‘her room’. It seriously drives me crazy, not only have I started thinking our apartment is getting too small for my liking but now I feel as if my cat is telling me where I can and cannot put my stuff. Payden on the other hand seriously finds it to be the FUNNIEST thing ever. But then again he is the main one who spoils Vegas. So this could be is all his fault.

--With that above story being said, Vegas has knocked an item off of that counter and I have found it half buried under her litter in her litter box. Talk about NASTY! And again, 
Payden found this to be the funniest event ever. Me on the other hand, I was pissed because I had to throw something away before I used it all because I was so disgusted.


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