New things...

Payden and I are trying to cram in as much time together as we can. Dinner dates. Movie dates. etc. Not only because he has the chance of leaving but because we realized that we haven't had alot of time that we have been spending together (minus our workout times). 

Payden will be taking his officer testing on August 14th. So that process is moving slowly but surely. Please make sure to keep us in your thoughts though because we really won't know what our next steps will be until right before Christmas. 

Payden's mom turned 50 earlier this month, and my mom turned 40 yesterday so we have been celebrating birthdays a lot this month. 

We finally got our diplomas! We are officially college graduates!!

Amber threw her sorority little, Annie, her bridal shower! Amber is Matron of Honor in her wedding! More wedding festivities coming!

Amber's other sorority little Rachelle got married this month as well. Such a beautiful bride, couple and wedding and Amber couldn't be happier for her!

Payden has scheduled a trip to visit his best friend. Leaving at the end of August and not returning until my BIRTHDAY!! But I guess I need to start getting use to him not being around on my birthday, even though it will be hard, might as well get that started so I am not such an emotional wreck in the years to come. 

Here are a few pictures of our lives lately... nothing too major has been going on. 

Fourth of July

Our mom's birthdays

our diplomas!

Annie's Shower

Rachelle's Wedding

Oh and Vegas Cat, our child of course


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