Expanding our family?

I know that everyone knows how much I had wanted to start expanding our family this year but considering everything that I went through in our first year of marriage, the fact that I am still on a lot of medications and do not know when everything will be settled. And now considering Payden is planning on getting into the Air Force it is kind of a good thing that things haven’t worked out as I had originally had wanted.

But I feel like as if everyone has constantly been asking when we will have a baby. I know it is our parents and family mainly because they want grandkids and know how much I want to be a mother. But I don’t mean to sound rude but I don’t understand why people think it is okay to ask. It really isn’t anyone’s business what goes on behind closed doors between my husband and I. And trust me, if I knew that I was healthy enough to have children I would be trying but there is not a way for that to be right now.

I am not complaining about the friends and family really, although that can get annoying. I know that no one is being rude or trying to hurt my feelings but still. What really gets to me is the random people or customers at work who find that it is their place to tell me that we should really be trying. Or there are those people who are even more ballsy then that who try and tell me HOW or what we need to do in order to make getting pregnant easier. I draw the line RIGHT THERE, there is no need for anyone to try and tell me how to get pregnant. Last time I checked I am a grown, married woman and I know all about the birds and the bees.

Trust me in saying I am not upset with family and friends for asking how our pregnancy struggles are going, I understand that everyone is just excited for us and want us to get what we want. But there is a line that has been crossed and that’s when it becomes offensive.

I do believe that one day we will become parents, and I know that right now is not that time due to all the things that will be hopefully changing for us in this upcoming year. Knowing our luck we will find out that he has been accepted into the Air Force and get our first orders and that will be when we find out we are expecting; because it tends to happen in our lives that when one thing changes there will be a million things that follow suit.

So please take my word for it, I am not offended with anyone who is immidetly connected to us, and I do appreciate that everyone cares about us and our journey BUT we have decided to hold off until I am healthier and we have a more stable plan as to where we are going next in our lives. Thank you.

End of rant...


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