Five Years!

Five years ago this weekend I was officially initiated into Alpha Phi. It is crazy to think that it was already five years ago. So much has happened and changed since then. No matter the drama and troubles that I've had, I will always cherish the friendships that I've made from this organization. I will forever be proud that I went Greek in college and I will continue being a proud Alpha Phi. 

It was cool that I got to celebrate my five year with a member of my pledge class and my best friend. I would never have the friendships that I do without becoming a member of this great organization. 

This weekend was also our Founder's Day celebration for my chapter.  I always love going to Founder's Day because it is always so much fun. Plus the food is great and there is always awesome raffle items. This year I even won FOUR of the raffle items I put tickets in for. I never win anything so that was an added bonus. 

Here are some pictures from the celebration. 


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