TWO years!

Payden and I have been married TWO years today! Today also marks the officially anniversary of our first date, SEVEN years ago! It seems like just yesterday we were in high school on our first date. The years have flown by, through all of the good times & bad, we find ourselves happier than ever. I can never image spending these past two years being married to anyone better than him. After seven years together you’d think I’d be tired of him but every day he surprises me and reminds me of the many reasons I feel in love with him back in high school. Most people can’t say they married their high school sweetheart but I am proud to say that I did.

Payden is the most caring, supportive, protective, crazy, funny, comical man ever! I love all his crazy quirks and wouldn't change a thing about him. It may be cliché but Payden actually makes me want to be a better person. When I am with him, I strive to be the wife that he needs and wants in this crazy thing we call life. I know I fail sometimes (because I am human), but Payden loves me anyways, and picks me up and we start again.

It is crazy to think of everything that we have already gone through in our relationship. But I know that we are stronger because of it all, and know that there is nothing that will be thrown in our way that can stop us now. I am lucky to have such an amazing person at my side, pushing me to get through all the bad times and there to hold me when I am stressed because of everything going on.

Payden lets me get away with more than anyone else. He treats me like a princess and I am constantly being told how spoiled I am by those around me. I do a lot for him as well though that goes without saying but we really work together as a team and we each have things that we are better at that helps our relationship work. But hdoes let me get away with never folding or matching socks, which is seriously one of the most annoying things I can do in his mind. He just knows that I get bored and throw everything like that in a pile. If that is his one annoyance about me, than I know I am doing something right.

I am very proud of the relationship that we share and have been the happiest I could ever imagine being while being with him. Here is to our two year wedding anniversary, our sever year relationship anniversary and all the anniversaries that are coming in our future. I am excited to see what is next for us in our journey and can’t wait to see where we are in the years to come.

Pictures from our past:
First picture ever as a couple: 
our senior proms:

Our high school graduations: 

our engagement day: 

our wedding: 

 first ‘family’ photo:

 last year’s anniversary pictures:

Our college graduation:

And finally on of this year’s anniversary pictures:
It is crazy to see how much we have changed over our 7 years being together. We look such little kids back then!! 


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