A Very Merry Hamilton Christmas

I can't believe that Christmas has already come and gone. I always get so bummed on December 26th no matter what. My favorite holiday is over. 

Christmas Eve was spent with me waking up at 8am to make my first EVER batch of peanut butter blossoms. Which apparently turned out great because I didn't even get to eat ONE of them. 

Christmas Eve is always spent with the whole Hamilton side of the family. This year aunt Brenda and uncle Bryce hosting the celebration. It was a lot of fun: with gift exchanges, trivia, Christmas movie themed tshirts, white elephant gifts and a PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (little Ellie is going to be a big sister in August!! I'm so excited for Brittney and Aaron!!)  

Christmas Eve is always so much fun with the Hamilton side of the family. I'm so blessed to have been able to join their family seven years ago. (I attended my first Hamilton Christmas the December after we started dating, pretty crazy right!?) 

Christmas Day started with me again waking up early to make a cinnamon roll cake for my side of the family's celebration. I've made of before, it is easy but takes some time. But it is so GOOD! 

Celebration with the Horth family was a lot of fun. Filled with breakfast foods (my favorite!), a few rounds of the game "Dirty Minds", gift exchange, laughter and catching up. I love that my family relationships are growing and that we are in a much better place. 

Next we ended our Christmas Day with a celebration with the Hamilton six (us, the inlaws, Paige and her girlfriend Carolyn). A lot of left over eating, a few rounds of "Apples to Apples" (my gift from Paige and Caroyln), gift giving and hanging out. 

I was excited to wear my Christmas niche themed tshirt! 

Sometimes it takes so begging on my part to get the husband to smile. 

We are so thankful for everything and everyone we have in our lives and had such a wonderful Christmas. We are looking forward to the new year. 

We even took all the decorations down and boxed everything up. It is official, Christmas is over. 


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