Movie Review: Catching Fire

**note I've decided to change my ratings to be out of five stars instead of letter grades***

I finally got to see "Catching Fire". I was obsessed with the book series, loved the first movie and have been meaning to see this one but with work, the holidays and my surgery I just haven't had the time. So yesterday two of my work friends: Kim and Dannielle and I got off early and headed downtown to see the movie for $5 movies. 

The movie was FANTASTIC!! I had so many emotions all the way through the movie. I just loved it! It stuck to the book so well. One of the best movies adapted from a book that I've seen in awhile. Easily I give this niche a 5 dtars score. Hands down! 


  1. Nice review Amber. Can't wait to see what these next few movies have in store for us, although it's going to take another year.


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