Baby Boys!

Cousin Brittney announced she was pregnant with her second child on Christmas Eve and I was so excited for her little man to arrive! 

10 minutes before midnight Nolan Shawn Harrell was born on August 17th, 2014. 

Today I went to the hospital to meet baby Nolan after work, hands down he is the cutest! So in love. Welcome to the family little guy! 

Today I was already looking forward to meeting baby Nolan and half way through the day I got THE TEXT MESSAGE from my friend Shelby saying that baby Cash was on his way. 

This afternoon, August 18th 2014 Cassius Ray Russell was born. Happy BIRTHday to this handsome little man! And I am officially Auntie Ams to another beautiful baby boy! (When will my friends have a girl?!) 

I am so excited to have two healthy and beautiful baby boys that were brought into my life. Now here's to me getting to spoil some more previous little ones! 


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