Life lately in photos

It's red cup season at Starbucks, which means one of my favorite drinks is available! 

I'm kinda obsessed with our cat kid. A picture of her that I took on my snapchat.

The Alpha Phi's Christmas tree is still to this day one of my favorites. 

New goodies finally came in the mail! I love my new tops! 

The daily struggle of drinking milk with Vegas cat around. 

You know Vegas is my cat when... We both hate the cold. 

Went and saw the movie "Interatellar" with my friend Tristan. I'm trying to still figure out how I feel about it so the movie review post will be coming soon. 

Banners were dropped at the first official game of other 2014-2015 season! 

Maggi and I at the first official basketball game of the season. Here comes another season of game day selfies! 

Two of my favorite ladies at the first official basketball game of the season: Dannielle and Maggi. 

Guess who has tickets to go see Kevin Hart when he comes to Wichita in December? This girl! 

Payden and Jena dog! 

Sunday night cuddles with Vegas cat. 

 Now that's one comfy cat. 

I only take pictures of my food when it is presented to me in a pretty fashion. I love fancy dinners at Taste and See. 


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