8 Weeks!

How far along: 8 weeks today!
Gender: Unknown
Weight gain: 1 or 2 pounds 
Maternity clothes: NO but wearing more flowly tops since I'm bloated and still hiding the pregnancy.
Sleep: I'm always tired but finding it hard to get comfortable since I'm always been someone who sleeps on their stomach and my whole body is aching due to all of the changes
Best moment this week: Confirming the pregnancy and having our first sonogram! Getting to see our baby for the first time is something I don't think we can ever forget!
Worst moment this week: The constant nausea I feel  
Miss anything: I miss Dr. Pepper actually tasting good, and being able to actually eat food
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: Sweet foods like candy...
Queasy or sick: Feeling queasy all the time and having some heartburn.
Looking forward to: Being able to announce to the world, and all the fun things we have planned for the month of July!

Vegas wanted to join in on photos. 


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