9 weeks!

I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a board every week or every other week. So I can't promise that there will be one every week but we shall see how it goes. 

How far along: 9 weeks today!
Gender: Unknown
Weight gain: lost 5 pounds (plus side of food not tasting good and morning (all day) sickness) 
Maternity clothes: NO but wearing more flowly tops since I'm bloated and still hiding the pregnancy. 
Sleep: I'm always tired but finding it hard to get comfortable since my whole body (mainly boobs)  is aching 
Best moment this week: MY NEPHEW HAYDEN WAS BORN!!  
Worst moment this week: The constant nausea I feel (still) and the stress I've been dealing with at work. 
Miss anything:  I miss food tasting good. Nothing taste right anymore. 
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: Orange soda
Queasy or sick: Feeling queasy all the time
Looking forward to: Payden's best friend is coming to town in a few days! And the Fourth of July!  


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