Movie Review: Jurassic World

So sorry about the late post about the movie but life has been CRAZY this last week or so (need to one later!). 

But the Sunday before Father's Day (opening weekend for the movie) I got balcony tickets to see the movie. To put into perspective how excited he was- 1. these are his favorite movies 2. It was a shock to him I have never seen the others ("that should had been mention before marriage" I quote him) and 3. We have a dinosaur poster in our downstairs bedroom. So if those points don't explain anything to you HE WAS EXCITED! 

I on the other hand was excited for him but overall didn't care. The movie was good (hello Chris Pratt) and I was entertained. And from not seeing the others I still really liked it. Payden on the other had LOVED it and thought it was well done. So from him I'd give the movie a five star rating. He says that if you enjoyed the others you will enjoy this one. And as someone who (still) hasn't seen the others I still really enjoyed it. 


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