17 weeks!

Now that the baby can hear us...we are placing bets on what the baby's first cuss word will be. And feeling the baby move has to be the coolest yet strangest feeling ever! How far along: 17 weeks today! Gender: Unknown-- and the wait until September 10th is taking forever. Weight gain: gained one pound but still under pre pregnancy weight! Maternity clothes: Maternity pants are the only pants I can wear. And maternity leggings are a heaven send. Sleep: I'm having a hard time getting comfortable and can't stay asleep for long periods of time. Best moment this week: feeling the baby move, which actually happened for the first time today! Worst moment this week: my lack of sleep. Miss anything: I miss being able to sleep and stay asleep. Movement: First time feeling the baby was today! Cravings: Nothing really Queasy or sick: Feeling alot better for the...