16 weeks!

16 weeks! And this sign makes me crave some Chipotle chips and guacamole! 

How far along: 16 weeks today! 
Gender: Unknown-- and the wait until September 10th is taking forever. 
Weight gain: still under starting weight-- I've officially lost 10 pounds since finding out I'm pregnant. 
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants are the only pants I can wear. 
Sleep: I'm sleeping decently. 
Best moment this week: Getting things accomplished around the house.   
Worst moment this week: finding out how much the blood thinner shots are going to be and finding out that my sonogram isn't until I'm 19 weeks. 
Miss anything:  I miss being able to eat what I want. Nothing sounds good or sits well on my stomach. 
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: PB&J  
Queasy or sick: Feeling queasy pretty much after I eat anything. 
Looking forward to: The weekend. Work is killing me this week (and it's only Tuesday) 


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