Photo Update

Our new coffee table is in!! We love it! 

New origami owl charms!! 

Vegas decided to camp out with me on the basement living room floor. 

Shout out to my friend Dannielle for this awesome housewarming gift! 

Vegas meows from the living room in the morning to get attention. So funny yet annoying. 

Raging Idiots concert with two of my favorite people (Annie and Kayla)  on August 28th 

I can't help but laugh when I see Vegas laying like this. Too funny! 

We bought some adorable decorations for our gender reveal party on the 12th. We are so excited! 

Davis Moore day at Exploration Day on August 30th. 

Happy birthday to me! 

My card from the hubby! 

Vegas didn't want dad to read the Cabela's ad. 

And then Vegas decided that the Cabela's ad was a perfect place to hide.

My birthday present from my sister Tiffani. I've been wanting this shirt since I found out I was pregnant and she ended up getting me both the shirt and sweater!

 Movie date with Tristan. Movie review to come later. 

Yay for baby registry freebies! 

My friend Tristan bought me the most perfect sign for my birthday present! 

Vegas decided that the trash was the perfect place to lay. 


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