Wyatt's First Christmas

I was discharged from the hospital the morning of Christmas Day and got to check up on him before heading home. It was hard to know that he wasn't going to be coming home to celebrate Christmas with us. But that just means next year I will have to kinda go over board. After getting discharged I got to go home and shower at my own house, wear my own clothes and steal some cuddles from my cat kid. We then headed to Payden's parent's house to celebrate Christmas and to steal some puppy cuddles. We then went back to the hospital to feed Wyatt and to spend some time with him. Payden was excited to be there (despite the way he looks in the picture), he was talking and playing with Wyatt while I was feeding and burping him. I was not expecting start to look this small in his first Christmas but I wouldn't trade him being my Christmas present for anything in the world.