Garth Brooks Concert

Garth Brooks sold out six concerts in one weekend in like ten minutes. Crazy! Payden, Kayla and I were lucky to get awesome tickets to the first showing on Saturday night. Thirteen rows back ON THE FLOOR! 

Although the concert started late it ended in the perfect amount of time that we could even get Payden to work that night on time. 

The concert has to be the best concert I've been to. (I know I say that a lot but really though). He didn't miss a beat, sang all of his old cowboy sings and had so much energy it was crazy awesome to watch. 

Plus watching Payden watch one of his all time favorite artist was the cutest. I'm so glad I got to go with him. 

And of course I loved that Kayla came to and helped get us the awesome tickets. I can't miss an awesome concert with my concert bestie. 


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