Wyatt's First Christmas Home!!

I wanted more than anything for this past Christmas to be one for the memory books since neither of us were in the hospital and it was officially our first Christmas together since Wyatt was home with us!

Needless to say having a toddler made my plans not go off the way I wanted them too. We still had a great time but this perfectionist Momma was stressed to the max and even got a little mad that I couldn't keep his attention on the new traditions I wanted to start (silly now to look back on but at the moment I was just frustrated that things weren't "perfect").

The weekend before Christmas we went to the Sunflower Retriever Clubs Christmas party and Wyatt had a blast being shown off to all of his Nonno's friends.

The Wednesday before Christmas we spent with my side of the family and Wyatt liked having a small group of people around and getting to see his cousin Hayden. He loved being able to try new foods and liked opening all the presents.

Christmas Eve was spent with the whole Hamilton gang out at Grandpa Phil's and to say he was exhausted and over tired by the end of the day is an understatement. Too much going on all at once and it was a little overwhelming to our little guy. We had a very grumpy toddler on hands that evening and it was phase one of mom having a break down because her ideal traditional moment was ruined by a screaming toddler who ripped his new book.

Wyatt really did like all the attention he got on Christmas morning and loved his big toy from Mom and Dad (Crazy Cope Car). He loved waking up to his Santa present (a grill) and really just wanted to crawl around. He loved that it was just him and mom and dad and that was a picture perfect moment for us as parents watching him figure out his new presents and wanting to check each and every one out on his own.

We spent the rest of Christmas Day at the Hamiltons with Brent, Nancy, Paige and Kimmie and Wyatt loved all the attention and that he hands down had the most presents. Towards the end of the night he started to get overwhelmed and exhausted so it made for a long day but overall it was an awesome Christmas and I can't wait to see what 2017 will be like with a TWO year old running around at the holidays!



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